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Hospital Bed for Patients

Case Study

Medical Coverage and Repatriation for Injured Student on School Trip


Unbeknownst to him, a Singaporean patient had found himself to have sustained cuts to his lower limbs because of falling broken glass in Bangkok, Thailand during a school trip. The patient had sleepwalked from his hotel room to the lobby and in an attempt to open the door, but having failed, resorted to kick the glass at the lobby, and in the process, had injured himself. International SOS assistance was requested by the patient’s school for medical expenses coverage and the patient’s safe return to Singapore.


Upon receiving the call, the patient had been admitted to the hospital with the help of a bystander. To quickly gain a thorough understanding of the extent of his injury, International SOS’s Assistance Centre in Bangkok was contacted to monitor the patient’s condition and to facilitate consistent communication between the hospital, the school, and the insurer. As a result of International SOS network capabilities, International SOS was able to quickly obtain the necessary information for the approval of the patient’s medical expenses from the insurer. This was immediately followed by placing a guarantee of payment (GOP).


To overcome the problem, International SOS recommended repatriation back to Singapore to further his medical care. The International SOS Assistance Centre in Singapore effectively coordinated the flights, quotation, directions on the coverage for the patient’s mother’s air ticket, and coverage approval from the insurer.

Receiving the approval from the insurer on repatriation, the Assistance Centre in Singapore submitted the Passenger Medical Clearance (MEDA) clearance form to the airline, coordinated the logistics and ground movements, and arranged for the patient’s stay with the receiving hospital in Singapore.

Considering the patient’s medical condition, the evacuation was executed via a commercial stretcher and a medical team, which consisted of an International SOS general practitioner (GP) doctor and a nurse.


Following the quick response of both our Assistance Centres, the patient was safely repatriated back to Singapore alongside his mother at the preferred hospital for the patient to continue his medical treatments. The operation, which commenced upon receiving the call, to the patient’s safe arrival at the hospital was achieved within four days. The patient’s safe arrival was also communicated to all relevant stakeholders.


Thanks to the quick assessment and action, the student was able to recover in his home country with his family nearby and the school trip was able to continue without much disruption to the rest of the group.