A leading oil and gas client in Oman relies on our emergency onsite medical care and primary healthcare services to support their workforce. By leveraging our Electronic Medical Recording (EMR) system, our medical experts discovered concerning occupational health challenges that required immediate attention.
Our dedicated medical team, consisting of general practitioners and specialists, operates a remote site clinic that provides emergency on-site medical care, primary healthcare, and off-site referrals. Our integrated EMR system, connected to an advanced statistics-generating platform, ensures robust clinical governance and fosters continuous quality improvement in occupational health and safety.
This case study highlights how medical data analysis uncovered a significant occupational health issue within our client’s workforce. The subsequent implementation of a targeted intervention successfully reduced work-related injuries, demonstrating the critical role of data-driven insights in enhancing workforce health and safety.
Our medical team's routine comprehensive statistical analysis of medical records from our client’s site in Oman revealed a concerning trend. The data identified that their workforce exhibited a significantly elevated rate of muscle and joint injuries and illnesses. The incidence of these cases was more than double the national, regional, and global averages.
Subsequent investigations by our clinical team identified two primary contributing factors to these occupational health concerns:
- Injuries sustained during on-site recreational sports activities, with a particular emphasis on football played on hard surfaces.
- Ergonomics were not optimised, thus negatively affecting workforce wellbeing.
As this trend could directly affect operational efficiency and employee wellbeing, there was a critical need for proactive occupational health interventions on-site.
Our health experts leveraged statistical insights to make specific recommendations for targeted interventions. This data-driven approach led to two significant decisions:
- Installation of Artificial Turf: The client decided to install artificial turf on the site football pitch to reduce the risk of injuries during recreational activities. This initiative aimed to decrease the incidence of sports-related injuries and illnesses.
- Comprehensive Ergonomic Assessment: A thorough ergonomic assessment was done to identify and address workplace hazards. This assessment focused on improving staff training regarding safe lifting techniques during work activities and enhancing the overall working environment, thereby reducing work-related injuries.
These measures effectively addressed recreational and occupational causes of muscle and joint issues, promoting a healthier and safer working environment.
Recent reports show a 25% decrease in muscle and joint injuries six months after implementing these solutions, and this rate continues to decline. This improvement demonstrates the effectiveness of our integrated EMR system, which analyses data from over 1,000 clinics worldwide to establish benchmarks and identify trends in real time. It also highlights how robust occupational health solutions can increase operational efficiency for our clients.
By proactively addressing health challenges with evidence-based strategies, we help clients create a safer, healthier, and more productive workforce.