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Environmental, Social & Governance

We believe that our expertise, professionalism and commitment to excellence contributes both to the sustainable development of our own organisation and assists our clients in upholding their promises to their people. Our sustainability commitments set out our ambition and demonstrate how we continue to hold ourselves accountable for our impact and performance.

Our sustainability activities reflect International SOS’ mission, vision and values. We aim to integrate sustainability, step by step, into every part of our business. Our philosophy for corporate citizenship initially focused on Healthcare and Education; more recently, our sustainability vision has broadened to cover Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG). This means all our actions are underpinned by concern for the wellbeing of our employees and the communities where we operate. They also encompass ethical conduct in our dealings with suppliers, clients and other stakeholders.  

Our ESG Board oversees the development and implementation of our ESG strategy. Our ESG committee meets regularly to advise on and set our priorities. Should you have any questions or queries, please contact our ESG committee:

Our latest ESG progress report

Our 2024 ESG report is now available. This year's interactive report highlights our progress on the ESG(H) agenda over the Fiscal Year 2022/2023. The report showcases the importance of public health, and its close ties and interdependence to all three components of ESG. 
Click here

Our activities include:

  • Committing to UNGC’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Alignment with the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). - International SOS has been a signatory of the UNGC since 2013. We continue to firmly support the Ten Principles with respect to human rights, labour, environment and anticorruption. Our own policies, operations and culture are closely aligned with the UNGC principles.
  • Supporting the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) - Our reporting is guided by these standards which are widely recognised as international best practice for ESG reporting. We are committed to advancing the central role of health and wellbeing within the corporate responsibility and ESG agenda.
  • Partnering with clients on community health initiatives to reduce Malaria, YAWs, HIV, tuberculosis and filariasis. We also promote clean water, wellness and healthy practices to prevent strokes, diabetes, infectious disease and cancer in many communities worldwide.
  • Raising funds and donating time to support many Healthcare and Education causes worldwide.
  • Support for the International SOS Foundation, an independent, not-for-profit organisation that drives research, and the development of best practice guidelines in health, safety and wellbeing for a global workforce.