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Tarun Nijjer

Lead Security Analyst - Central Africa & Europe

Tarun is the Lead Security Analyst for central Africa and Europe at International SOS, currently based in Madrid. Tarun is the subject matter expert on security trends across the region, including those that relate to sociopolitical unrest, terrorism, conflict and natural hazards. In his role, he delivers forward-looking analysis and actionable advice via a range of intelligence products, including Insight Reports, Monthly Security Forecasts and webinars.

Prior to this, Tarun worked as a Senior Security Specialist in the International SOS London Assistance Centre, where he provided security briefings, managed kidnap response calls and authored tactical threat-to-life alerts. Beyond this, he played a central part in coordinating the relocation and evacuation of client personnel during several crises, including the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict in 2022 and various coups in Africa.

Tarun began his career in security more than four years ago at a risk consultancy in Copenhagen. Since then, he has travelled widely, including deployments to Europe, the Maghreb and central Africa. He has an MSc in International Politics from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS University), specialising in Global Security.