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Myanmar | Risk Outlook 2024


Helping You Prepare for the Upcoming Key Risks in Myanmar

In light of the escalating geopolitical and climate-related crises observed this year, our Risk Outlook report for 2024 delves into the heightened challenges organisations face in maintaining business continuity amidst the persistent permacrisis threat.

Acknowledging challenge, in tandem with our commitment to health and safety, we have organised a webinar to navigate the uncertainties and strengthening your strategies to enhance resilience in Myanmar.

Join our security and medical experts on the 19th of March, as they will explore the key 2024 risk predictions in Myanmar.

The Speakers:

  • Noriko Takasaki - Security Director Assistance, International SOS, Asia
  • Dr Kyaw Zay Wint - Senior Medical Advisor, International SOS, Myanmar

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