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female employee working from home on conference video call


Singapore | Work from Anywhere

For the past two years, employees have gotten used to working from home due to pandemic restrictions. The remote work trend has accelerated the need for the evolution of global mobility. Companies that react and adapt quickly will find business as usual, while others may struggle.

While organisations have been transiting to a hybrid work environment, what is the governance around taxation for employees working outside their location of employment? Are there any health and security implications which organisations should take into consideration?

In this webinar, our experts from KPMG in Singapore and International SOS explore the following:

  • Employment and Corporate tax implications of employees working abroad and key considerations for work from anywhere
  • The future of HR - pathfinder organisations and what they do differently
  • The total workforce approach and employee experience
  • What organisations need to do to create and capture value in the post pandemic world
  • Savings, benefits and costs of healthcare in the region
  • How to prepare your employees to work safely from anywhere
  • Communicating with employees working remotely

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