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Gautier Porot talking with audience during crisis management masterclass


Switzerland | Crisis Management Masterclass

In a world of constant change, our ability to manage crises defines us. Accepting change, challenging our beliefs, and engaging in continuous learning are not just strategies, they are essential characteristics for thriving in uncertainty.

Gautier Porot - Regional Security Director


  • Learn how to implement effective crisis management
  • Define the roles and responsibilities of your team
  • Develop an effective approach to assessing the situation and making decisions under constraints of time, difficult environments and technical issues
  • Gain an in-depth understanding of the methodology and holistic approach in accordance with the guidelines of ISO 22361:2022, a globally recognized standard

Who Should Attend?

This masterclass is designed for business directors and managers involved in crisis and risk management, business continuity, operations, HSE and human resources. All levels.


Day 1

Module 1:  Fondamentum 

  • Terms and definition
  • Crisis Anatomy
  • Crisis & ourselves
  • Mindful crisis Management

Module 2: Methodus

  • ISOS 22361:2023 introduction
  • Crisis management programme
  • Response templates

Day 2

Module 3: Exemplum

  • Case study

Module 4: Kairos

  • Crisis simulation

Book Your Seat

If you’d like to secure a seat, please send a message to and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

When emailing us, make sure to specify whether you are an International SOS customer to take advantage of the discounted rate.