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International Women's Day 2023 Press Release Banner


Do We Really Still Need International Women’s Day?

Yes, unfortunately we do. While no two people have had the same circumstances, privileges or disadvantages, unfortunately in general, women in many locations still face under-representation and inequality.

While times have changed since the days I was asked in job interviews “are you going to have children?”, women may still face bias and discrimination when it comes to career advancement. In some countries, basic amenities such as female washrooms are not a given in the workplace. One could debate whether the increasing number of organisations offering egg freezing as an employee benefit is a step forward or not. According to the UN1, “At the current rate, gender equality in the highest positions of power will not be reached for another 130 years”.

When it comes to accessing healthcare, the facts show that there are gender biases, made worse in many locations by the COVID-19 pandemic. “People who were already economically disadvantaged and marginalised – categories in which women and children are disproportionately represented – have fared the worst in most societies during the pandemic” . In many societies, women act as primary carers and often prioritise the needs of their families over their own health. This can result in women forgoing regular health checks and screening activities.

Organisations can do a lot to improve the health and safety of their female population. In order to develop optimal health policies, gender-based differences must be considered. Creating tailored wellbeing initiatives that are sensitive to women’s specific requirements can go a long way in increasing female employee engagement and ensuring that women feel supported and understood in the workplace. Awareness and education can help break down the stigma and create a culture where open and supportive conversations, regardless of gender, are the norm.

International Women’s Day is about celebrating the achievements of women and promoting equality. In 2023 there is still much work to be done to empower women.

1. World Health Organization. Protect the promise: 2022 progress report on the every woman every child global strategy for women's, children's and adolescents' health (2016-2030)