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Event Safe


Keeping Travelers Healthy and Safe at a Large International Event

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Executive Summary

In-person events provide organizations with a valuable opportunity to connect with their employees and customers, build their brand, and learn from industry experts. Seeing colleagues in person also provides a more engaging and immersive experience, where attendees can interact with counterparts, clients, and exhibitors. And experience the event in ways that are impossible with virtual events.

Post-pandemic, the significance of in-person events has become even more evident. Though, for an event to be a success, it is paramount for organizations to have a proper support and safety plan in place for their attendees. The support plan must be effectively communicated with the staff and attendees and should include all safety protocols, contingency plans and emergency contact details of the relevant resources.

Facing an increasingly unpredictable world and changing medical, health and security risks, there are potential challenges organizers will face while hosting or attending an event. These include access to quality medical resources in case of accidents, illnesses, heat strokes or heart attacks, civil unrest, strikes, as well as and mitigating in-country health and security risks, such as pandemics, infectious diseases, safety hazards and potential threats. Challenges include:

  • Staying informed about the local health regulations, travel restrictions and requirements from both the event location and the attendees’ departure point.
  • Finding and accessing suitable medical care and facilities in unfamiliar locations.
  • Navigating local laws, regulations, languages, and cultural differences to ensure a safe and smooth experience.

That’s where International SOS can help.

Solution in Action

Each summer for more than a decade, the International SOS sales, account management, marketing and product teams have gathered for a retreat to take stock of the past fiscal year and plan for the new one.

The retreat is a chance to bring professionals together from around the world for several days of working sessions, presentations, and goal setting. Part incentive and part working group, the Annual Sales and Marketing Conference is typically held in a location that is central to the American teams, as well as a place conducive to large meetings.

Locations have ranged from Colorado to Hawaii to Bermuda and Montreal. For the 2023 conference, a resort near Playa del Carmen, Mexico was chosen. In the pages that follow, we’ll look at how teamwork, proper planning and expertise allowed International SOS to execute this large gathering – with more than 200 attendees - safely and efficiently. We’ll also run through the tools available to organizations that might want to consider a similar conference, meeting, or retreat.

Keeping Travelers Healthy and Safe at a Large International Event in Mexico | An International SOS Case Study

For the 2023 International SOS Sales & Marketing conference, a resort near Playa del Carmen, Mexico was chosen. See how teamwork, proper planning and expertise allowed us to execute this large gathering – with more than 200 attendees - safely and efficiently.